Afternoon MODIS AOD inched up a little compared to yesterday, but just along the Rio Grande.

Looks like the same prescribed fires continued today and were active based on the HMS smoke and fire detection product below.

The Deming profiler showed the WSW winds near the surface and W winds aloft as I expected. Winds picked up in the afternoon, first aloft and then coupled down to the surface by around 02 UTC. I think this looks to be the signature of the shortwave trough that was supposed to be travelling across the region.

The 00 UTC sounding at Santa Teresa was very dry but I bet that's not the case going into 05 UTC after the switch over to some mid and high level clouds tonight.
Based on the PM10 and PM2.5 observations in LC and Deming this afternoon there were no wind erosion events. However it looks to be a low wind, high PM event along the border particularly at the Sunland Park City Yard site. PM10 peak at around 400 µg/m3, PM2.5 at 50 µg/m3, and winds less than or equal to 1 m/s at 6 pm. See the City Yard hourly PM2.5 plot below.

It looks like Anthony is following in the footsteps of the Sunland Park site with these low wind events although it's less extreme further north in Anthony.
The forecast for the weekend looks to be breezy with gusts up to 25 mph on Saturday and 32 mph on Sunday. The NWS forecast also points to a little cooling down after our nice warm spell this week.
Areas along the border are dry, with very little precipitation over the last two months. This map shows the percent of normal precipitation over the past 60-days. Any red color in the map is less than 25 percent of normal or more. I think some of those red areas also coincide with historical wind blown dust emitters.

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