Only reached 79 F as a high in Las Cruces and 78 in Deming. North part of state, temperatures dipped below freezing in the higher terrain. Thunderstorms again in the eastern part of state in the early morning left over from yesterday. The afternoon MODIS Aqua image below shows clear skies over the state with fire locations in red.

Carlsbad wildfire continues with smoke plume moving northeast away from our area. NOAA HMS showed fire still burning south of NM bootheel but very little smoke. Can also see wildfire at the NM/CO border with a more substantial smoke plume.

May 25
Warm up from yesterday with high of 86 in Las Cruces and 85 in Deming. Clear skies today with most of the weather in the eastern part of the state in the afternoon. Lots of severe weather as predicted with reports of hail (up to golf ball size) and a tornado. The forecast map below shows the area of severe thunderstorms covering all of eastern edge of NM.

The dewpoint map at 9 pm shows the clear boundary between the dry and moist air across the state (below) and surface weather map at 9 pm with dryline location in orange and warm front in red across southeast corner of CO.

Fires are still burning west of Carlsbad (>13,000 acres) and a prescribed burn in the Gila. The Gila burn is called the Powder Horn Lat: 33.0942, Long: 108.0239, at up to 1000 acres per day

MODIS AOD didn't a lot of detail today. Rough observations outside showed good visibility. Ozone in Deming peaked around 50 ppb, 56 ppb in Sunland Park-Desert View, and 58 ppb in Sunland Park-City Yard. For particulates, there looks to be a low wind event at the Sunland Park City Yard tonight (see plot below).

PM10 peaked at 240 ug/m3 tonight and PM2.5 peaked at around 50 ug/m3. Winds were 1 m/s from the SW at 11 pm. PM was also elevated at the Anthony site but not as high, PM10 at 150 ug/m3 and PM2.5 at 20 ug/m3.
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