Today southeast winds will bring in a moist airmass from the east.
As of this morning we can see the low level southeastern airmass' arrival from the Deming profiler starting around 12Z (6am MDT).
Based on the AQI forecast we should be seeing good air quality today.
So far the forecasts for precipitation are showing thunderstorms mainly over regions east of the Rio Grande. The 12Z QPF day 2 product for Wednesday morning through Thursday morning show a band of precipitation running along the border of the moist airmass in from Northern Chihuahua, El Paso, through Otero and Lincoln Counties. The lightest shade of green is 0 to 0.01 inches of precipitation.
We actually have some clouds in my cloud cam today
The HMS product shows the locations of the smoke plumes today. The analyst showed that the large blob of Mexican smoke has reached central New Mexico. See the large green area on the right in the map below.
At midnight, the moist airmass has finally arrived. That's pretty much what the GFS has predicted. From 12:30 to 12:45 am Wednesday morning dewpoint went from 45 to 51F and still climbing. The GOES IR image below shows the high clouds behind the moist boundary.