We finally have all the stations set up for the Palomas PM10 study. It took most of the week preparing, setting up, and training the operators. They are now into the second sample day. There are six monitoring stations in Palomas, Mexico with two more on the US side nearby. I'm now working on getting another station set up in Columbus at the Pancho Villa State Park. The photo below shows one of the monitoring sites using battery powered PM10 Minivol samplers.
We also collect weather data every 5-minute intervals and particle size every minute using a MetOne particle profiler. I have a laptop installed inside the house logging the data. It was nice of the family to have a hole in the wall so we can run cables into their house. Actually it was probably a hole for a chimney at some point and it was plugged and not patched.
Sunday is looking to be windy with dust flying along the border.
The AQI forecast for today is showing more and more moderate areas for ozone in NM and other areas north.